How to get the perfect Etsy listing photo size: A complete guide

Understanding the correct Etsy listing photo size is crucial for every Etsy seller who desires to showcase their products effectively. The Etsy listing photo size significantly influences how potential buyers perceive your products. When considering the Etsy listing photo size, remember that it directly impacts the visual appeal of your listings. Ensuring the right Etsy …

How to write Etsy descriptions that sell: A complete guide

While navigating the world of Etsy, one often stumbles upon the question of how to write Etsy descriptions that stand out and resonate with potential buyers. An enticing product description can be the bridge between a mere glance and a successful sale. While some sellers are naturally gifted wordsmiths, others may seek assistance from an …

Etsy views and visits: What’s the difference?

In the bustling world of online shopping, Etsy stands out as a hub for unique, handmade, and vintage items. For sellers trying to understand their shop’s performance, they often grapple with a particular question: What is the difference between visits and views on Etsy? This distinction is crucial for gauging the success of your listings …

Everything you need to know about Etsy’s new Share & Save feature

Are you an Etsy seller looking to boost your sales and save on fees? Etsy has introduced an exciting new feature that can help you achieve both goals. It’s called Etsy Save & Share, a program designed to reward sellers for driving traffic to their Etsy listings that results in sales. In this blog post, …